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Traditional Chinese Medicine for Wind-Induced Cough – No Need for Western Medication!

Traditional Chinese Medicine for Wind Cough – No Need for Western Medicine! Enthusiastic Netizen (Username: Yutian Muzi, QQ: 15791583): Hello, I’d like to share a folk remedy that works well for treating wind cough. The method is as follows: 2g of raw licorice root, 2g of chrysanthemum, and 2 dark plums make one dose. Steep them in hot water and drink it to treat wind cough. I’ve used it myself. For about a year, I would cough whenever my period came due to weakened immunity, and I had to get IV drips. Then, I came across an episode of *Chinese Medicine* where a teacher who couldn’t work due to severe coughing was cured using this remedy. However, he first adjusted his condition with traditional Chinese medicine and then drank this infusion. I steep one dose daily, and after about ten days, the cough subsides, so I stop drinking it. If the cough returns, I start drinking it again. Persisting with this method for a while makes it less likely to recur! Contributor: Ms. Niu Appendix: Wind Cough: A disease name, one of the ten types of cough. It refers to coughing caused by wind pathogens invading the lungs. *General Treatise on the Causes and Symptoms of Diseases: Various Types of Cough* states: "Wind cough is when one cannot finish speaking due to coughing." Additionally, lung wind and overexertion wind cough also fall under wind cough.

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