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Tiny pumpkin seeds can stop a nosebleed!

Tiny Pumpkin Seeds Can Stop Nosebleeds! A kind-hearted netizen (Username: Corner Digger, QQ: 1362891338): Hello, Teacher Hu, I’d like to share a remedy: For those who frequently suffer from nosebleeds, take a handful of dried pumpkin seeds, roast them until charred, then boil them in water and drink the liquid. This has proven to be remarkably effective in treating nosebleeds. This remedy was used by a relative of mine. He often experienced nosebleeds, sometimes so severe that they wouldn’t stop. Despite trying numerous medications from various hospitals, nothing worked. Later, he came across this folk remedy, and after using it, he hasn’t had a recurrence for over 20 years. Seeing your folk remedy workshop, I thought I’d share this in hopes it might help others in need! Contributor: Teacher Duan

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