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Suffering from a stroke? Ease your recovery with the right diet!

Unfortunately suffering from a stroke, dietary therapy can make recovery easier! Enthusiastic netizen (Username: Wangduan Qingchun, Huoran Yimeng, QQ: 865917189): Hello, Teacher Hu, I have a great remedy to share for stroke patients. This method is very effective and has helped many people recover. The remedy is as follows: - 1 pound of garlic, peeled - 1 pound of ginger, washed - 1 pound of lemons, with skin on Blend all three ingredients into a paste, then add 3 pounds of apple cider vinegar (available at supermarkets). Mix everything together and simmer for about an hour. Once cooled, store it in a glass container and keep it in the refrigerator. Take one spoonful in the morning and evening, with or without honey. Stick to this routine for a while, and you should see improvement. I hope all stroke patients can regain their health and enjoy a wonderful life like normal people. I heard about this remedy on the radio. Today, someone who was cured shared it with the nation. Teacher Wang Han often uses this remedy, and the program "Xiangkang Hall" on Liaoning Radio has been running for ten years. Contributor: Anonymous

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