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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Stewed Eggs with Red Dates: A Nourishing Boost for Your Health!

Stewed Eggs with Red Dates: A Natural Remedy for Anemia! Dear Mr. Hu, I’ve been following your platform for home remedies, and many of the recipes have been incredibly practical. Today, I’d like to share a remedy for anemia that I recommend: Take two eggs and seven red dates. Boil them together, and after the water has boiled seven times, add one liang (approximately 50 grams) of brown sugar. Consume this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach, eating the eggs and drinking the broth. Do not add any other seasonings. Continue this regimen until you’ve consumed five jin (approximately 2.5 kilograms) of eggs, and your condition should return to normal. So far, I know of three people who have successfully treated their anemia with this method. Wishing your platform continued growth and success! Contributor: Ms. Cao

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