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Soak in hot chili water, and frostbite won't bother!

Soak Your Feet in Hot Chili Pepper Water to Keep Frostbite at Bay! A Warm-hearted Netizen (Username: Sina Chocolate, QQ: 1378466482): Hello, I have a simple and effective home remedy for frostbite that I’ve personally tried with great results. It’s easy and affordable: When frostbite flares up, boil water and tear open some dried red chili peppers—the spicier, the better. Stir them into the hot water until it becomes quite spicy. Once the water cools to a comfortable temperature, soak your feet until the water turns cold. For severe cases, repeating this three to four times should do the trick, and it can even eliminate the root cause. I’ve personally experienced this, and it worked wonders. My neighbors have also tried it, but I’m sharing this because I’ve used it myself—otherwise, I wouldn’t recommend it. I hope this can help anyone suffering from frostbite. A reminder: Do not use this remedy if the skin on your hands or feet is broken! Shared by: Teacher An

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