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The mission of the Chamber is to support the development of mutual relations and trade between the Slovak Republic and the countries of the region of East Africa
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about what we do board projects partners contact ABOUT US The mission of the Chamber is to support the development of mutual relations and trade between the Slovak Republic and the countries of the region of East Africa, as well as technical and economic cooperation between entrepreneurs of these countries, providing information and assistance to its members and all interested parties. The Chamber also develops contacts and cooperation of individual business systems by carrying out joint projects and initiatives. At the same time, it encourages the dissemination of economic information that fosters WHAT WE DO Developing contacts with local authorities, associations, economic and financial institutions of individual countries, in order to facilitate mutual trade exchanges. Provide the maximum possible assistance to anyone who contributes to trade in each country Promote and protect at local authorities member business entities present in the territory of the Contracting Parties Cooperate with a country's trade representation on issues related to economic growth Carry out any useful activity that will contribute to achieving its own goals Inform sales representatives and sales representatives Provide information on the market situation, on companies, laws and, within that, on certain areas and possibilities of placing goods Provide information on experts, advisors, translators and other trade promotion experts Systematically concentrate laws, measures and local customs in economic, customs, financial or tax matters Carry out the tasks entrusted to the individual authorities and institutions entrusted with their development LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear friends and partners I am very pleased that we have succeeded in establishing a Chamber of Commerce, whose aim is to promote culture, education and social activities in addition to promoting business activities between regions. I am very honored to be the first president and I can help develop cooperation between these exceptional regions. I will make every effort to ensure that the Chamber fulfills its mission and spread the goodwill of its members and partners in the implementation of joint projects and business activities. Finally, let me wish all of us a lot of workforce and enthusiasm in achieving our goals and hope that the Slovak-East African Chamber of Commerce will become a stable partner of business and government representatives in the regions and will be a model of fairness, integrity and stability for our members and partners. Ing. Radoslav Kansky President of Chamber BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ing. Radoslav Kanský president of Chamber EMAIL Ann Wanja Vice-president for Africa EMAIL MUDr. Marek Kozáček secretary of Chamber EMAIL PROJECTS Business trip in Malawi 01.07.2019 - 05.07.2019 READ MORE Previous Next PARTNERS AND MEMBERS JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER CONTACT Slovak - East African Chamber of Commerce +421 905 400 004 [email protected] Werferova 2582/1, SK-04011, Košice Slovak - East African Chamber of Commerce +421 905 400 004 [email protected] Werferova 2582/1, SK-04011, Košice