Proof Bread
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Proof is an artisan sourdough bakery in the Phoenix Metro area. We are known for our Sourdough loaf, and sourdough pain au chocolat. Find us at local farmers markets like Gilbert Farmers Market, Phoenix Public Market, and Uptown Farmers Market.
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Proof Bread
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2022-09-16 11:44:07

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2022-09-16 11:44:07

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Find Proof Near You Bake for Ukraine Fundraiser Help a Kyiv Bakery keep feeding their community. Amongst war, they are baking thousands of loaves for free! Learn More Organic Sourdough Long Fermented whole grain flour leavened with a wild culture named "Harriet", the preindustrial method of bread-making. Follow Our Story A Bread Making Community Proof began in a residential garage, and is now in a new location in Downtown Mesa. Where to Find Us? #section-id-166006755735b78a5e .slide-overlay { color: #ffffff; }#section-id-166006755735b78a5e .has-tint::after { background-color: #3d4246; opacity: 0.25; } We are Growing into our Customer Footprint For the last 5 years we have been building a large community of customers in Phoenix. Every Saturday, nearly 1,000 people in the city of Phoenix come out to buy Proof Bread at one of 3 busy market locations we have been attending every week.When we built our Downtown Mesa bakery, we did so in a way that we could reach these customers all week long. Now we are building 2 new retail locations. One will be a tiny store in the heart of Downtown Phoenix where we will deliver fresh bread and pastries daily. The other is a warehouse and a satellite bakery in North Phoenix on the 51 near Shea. This one will be a combination bakery/Main Street Harvest location all under 1 roof where we will mill and store flour, as well as bake off Mesa-produced breads daily. We are looking for investors. Use the link below to learn more. Invest in Proof Shop with Us Place an Order Buy Gift Cards Serving our Nearby and Distant Community If you live in the Phoenix Metro area, order some bread and pastries. Otherwise, our Buy Merch page has various items that we love made for folks near and far. #section-id-1591023133695 .slide-overlay { color: #ffffff; }#section-id-1591023133695 .has-tint::after { background-color: #3d4246; opacity: 0.25; } What are We About? .section-id-1478864807619 .tile--1::after { background-color: #3d4246; opacity: 0.0; }.section-id-1478864807619 .tile--2::after { background-color: #3d4246; opacity: 0.0; }.section-id-1478864807619 .tile--3::after { background-color: #3d4246; opacity: 0.0; }.section-id-1478864807619 .tile--4::after { background-color: #3d4246; opacity: 0.0; } .section-id-1590157903142 .newsletter-section { background: #f4f2e9; } Subscribe to our Newsletter Stories from our daily experiences, promotions, and specials delivered to your inbox. Back to the top Sign Up for Our Newsletter to learn about specials and read our story as it unfolds. Twitter Facebook Youtube Instagram General Inquiry: [email protected] & Wholesale: [email protected]'s Markets: [email protected] Buy all your Local Groceries at Main Street Harvest. Where to Find Proof? Place an Order Buy a Gift Card Proof Bread Apparel Proof FAQs American Express Diners Club Discover Meta Pay Mastercard PayPal Venmo Visa Copyright © 2022 Proof Bread Powered by Shopify .ws--preview-bar-btn{position:relative;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;display:inline-block;height:auto;margin:0;background:inherit;border:0;border-radius:inherit;font-family:inherit;font-weight:400;cursor:pointer;text-transform:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;vertical-align:middle;-webkit-appearance:none;-moz-appearance:none;appearance:none;padding:.4rem 1.5rem;background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(white),to(#f9fafb));background:linear-gradient(to bottom,#fff,#f9fafb);border:1px solid #c4cdd5;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 0 0 rgba(22,29,37,.05);box-shadow:0 1px 0 0 rgba(22,29,37,.05);border-radius:3px;font-size:1rem;line-height:1rem;color:#212b36;-webkit-transition-property:background,border,-webkit-box-shadow;transition-property:background,border,-webkit-box-shadow;transition-property:background,border,box-shadow;transition-property:background,border,box-shadow,-webkit-box-shadow;-webkit-transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(.64,0,.35,1);transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(.64,0,.35,1);-webkit-transition-duration:.2s;transition-duration:.2s;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;opacity:1}.ws-error {border-color: red !important;border: 1px solid !important;}.ws-success {border-color: green !important;border: 1px solid !important;}.checkout-disabled {pointer-events: none;} .product-grid .coll_d { display: block !important; } .product-grid .prod_d { display: none !important; } .cart-summary__inner .cart-item__total__amount { float: left; } .cart-summary__inner .struck-out-price.theme-money {/* float: right; */ } .cart-summary__inner .cart-item__price-current.reduced-price.theme-money { float: right; } .row.spaced-row .win_coupan span.wsaio--coupon-code-form { display: inline-flex; width: 73%; } .cart-summary__inner .win_coupan span.wsaio--coupon-code-form { display: inline-flex; } .cart-summary__inner .win_coupan input[type="text"] { width: 66%; } .product-block .wholesale-table { display: none; } .container.product-container .wholesale-table:nth-of-type(n+2) { display:none !important; } .wholesale-table, .wholesale-table tr, .wholesale-table th, .wholesale-table td { border: 1px solid #5c8018; text-align: center; } .wholesale-table { width: 100%; } .wholesale-table th { background: #5c8018; color: #ffffff; } .cart-summary-item__price .theme-money.struck-out-price {/* float: left; */ margin-right: 6px; } .coll_d span.theme-money { margin-left: 4px; } .quickbuy-container .coll_d { display:none !important; } .quickbuy-container .prod_d { display:block !important; } .cart-summary__inner .live2 { float: right !important; margin-left: 7px !important; } .cart-summary__inner .btn.product-add .wholesale-table { display:none !important; } .cart-summary__inner .wholesale-table { display:none !important; }