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NMSspot NMSspotA No Man's Sky Traveller's bLog “’No Man’s Sky’ Is a Joy to Play On Steam Deck,” Says TouchArcade“’No Man’s Sky’ Is a Joy to Play On Steam Deck,” Says TouchArcade 05/12/2022 blakespot Comments 0 CommentAs we have detailed in several posts on this blog, No Man’s Sky runs quite well on Valve’s new mobile console, the Steam Deck, which started making its way into the hands of early adopters a few months ago. As more people are getting their hands on the new console, reviews of the system and reports of how well popular Steam games run on it are popping up with increasing frequency. And, some from game publications who have not traditionally covered PC gaming…such as TouchArcade.In their recent roundup, Best Games to Play on Steam Deck – From ‘Elden Ring’ to ‘No Man’s Sky’ and ‘Risk of Rain 2’, TouchArcade had this to say about our favorite procedural space exploration game:Open world exploration adventure game No Man’s Sky is one I’ve hoped would come to iOS and iPadOS for a very long time. It felt like a perfect fit for Apple Arcade as well with how it gets major updates and supports playing with friends on everything. No Man’s Sky is coming to Switch, but the Steam Deck version has impressed me more than when I played the game on Xbox One X and PS4 Pro. It obviously isn’t as nice as playing it on a high-spec PC or PS5, but No Man’s Sky on a portable at 60fps is a sight to behold. My only hope for No Man’s Sky is cross progression between PC and consoles in the future. Until then, No Man’s Sky is a joy to play on Steam Deck.Their thoughts on No Man’s Sky and inclusion of it in their “best games” roundup post is high praise that didn’t escape the notice of Hello Games’ chief Sean Murray. Sean recently tweeted a link to the post, with a brief quote from the write-up. "No Man’s Sky on a portable at 60fps is a sight to behold"?https://t.co/wvjzxdC4GN— Sean Murray (@NoMansSky) May 10, 2022It’s fairly likely that PC gamers and traditional console players (Playstation, Xbox) haven’t spent a lot of time at TouchArcade, whose primary focus is iOS (iPhone, iPad) gaming. Why, then, am I writing a post specifically about their assessment of No Man’s Sky?Well, when I saw that tweet from Sean, my heart skipped a beat. And that is because, way back in early 2008, I co-founded TouchArcade with Arnold Kim of MacRumors. I joined the MacRumors team in San Francisco to cover MacWorld Expo 2007 and was in the keynote audience at the Moscone Center when Steve Jobs took the stage and showed the world the iPhone for the first time. It was an amazing event. When we learned, a year later, that Apple would be releasing an iOS (née iPhoneOS) SDK, we knew that games would be coming — and lots of them. So, in April of 2008 we launched TouchArcade (snapshot from Wayback Machine), which quickly became the largest website dedicated to iOS gaming, a distinction that it still maintains nearly 15 years later. The site grew fast and it wasn’t long before we were staffing up, contributing to print game magazines, and running an iOS gaming podcast. In recent years TouchArcade has branched out to include Nintendo Switch gaming news and, as can be clearly seen here, Steam Deck-related news. I personally worked the site for six years — three part-time and three full-time. I have not been significantly involved in its operation since 2015, and a few years later I stepped down as co-owner of TouchArcade to follow other pursuits. At any rate, I appreciate the patience exhibited by readers who made it this far; I couldn’t let a shout out from Captain Sean to the gaming site that I helped bring to life go without a little bit of rumination spoken aloud. Godspeed, Traveller. “No Man’s Sky Outlaws” and the Wonderful New Solar Ships“No Man’s Sky Outlaws” and the Wonderful New Solar Ships 04/22/2022 blakespot Comments 1 commentLast week, Hello Games released No Man’s Sky Outlaws, a major update to the game that might just have you singing “Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate’s life for me!” Outlaws v3.85, Hello Games’ twenty-first major (and free) update to No Man’s Sky, greatly expands gameplay and mission mechanics for would-be pirates, including a new class of starships called Solar Ships, improved space battles, in-atmosphere ship combat, wingmen, pirate-controlled systems and space stations, visual enhancements, the sixth Expedition: The Blight, and much more, all detailed on Hello Games’ Outlaws release page. Hello Games has a habit of releasing major updates when I am on an extended vacation with my family — and that was the case with Outlaws. As such, I was a bit late to the party in giving it a go (if only the upcoming Switch release were here already!). Having now spent a number of hours exploring the update, I am much impressed, and most so with the new Solar Ships. I can’t get over the look and feel of them, dramatically transforming as they take off, leave and reenter atmosphere, and land. Their solar sails, procedurally-generated variation, and “feel” — both on screen and VR is amazing to me. I have been so impressed with these new ships that I put together a short video to share with readers, showing my first-acquired Solar Ship doing its thing, as well as a bit of the craziness involving both these new ships and ships of olde in a pirate attack on a planetary Trading Post. While I am still feeling out the various new pirate mechanics and am only early-on in Expedition Six, the No Man’s Sky Outlaws update has added a whole new dimension to gameplay that I can already feel and much appreciate. How are you liking it? A Lengthy Session of “No Man’s Sky” Running on the Steam DeckA Lengthy Session of “No Man’s Sky” Running on the Steam Deck 04/11/2022 blakespot Comments 2 commentsLast month I made a post featuring a short video by YouTuber PC-Gaming.it that contains a clip of No Man’s Sky running on the Steam Deck. It was our first glimpse of the performance of our favorite infinite universe, procedurally generated space survival / exploration game running on Valve’s new mobile console. A much more lengthy look at No Man’s Sky on the Steam Deck was recently posted by YouTuber Gaming On Linux. The nearly 40 minute video shows gameplay across various biomes and gives a much better feel for the NMS Steam Deck experience. The on-screen performance meter shows that the game, capped at 60fps, plays fluidly and rarely drops below the capped rate. Also notable is the fact that it is running with AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) turned off, which raises the question of just how much higher a framerate could be achieved on the Steam Deck with the FPS cap off and FSR enabled. Regarding the game’s performance on the Steam Deck, at the beginning of the video the reviewer states,I’ve had a lot of people ask to do No Man’s Sky on the Steam Deck, so here we are. Truly I have to say though, I’m somewhat impressed by how far it’s come along. Before the release, while I was reviewing the Steam Deck itself, the game did not perform well — but now it’s perfectly playable. My save is quite early on but I’ve covered a number of different areas that you’ll find in the game in the video. Hopefully it gives you a reasonable idea of what some of the performance will be like.The performance improvements spoken of by the reviewer are certainly due to the frequent and numerous updates to the Steam Deck software that have come, surrounding its launch. The Proton compatibility layer / translation software under which No Man’s Sky runs on the Steam Deck, in particular, may have seen ongoing optimizations for the console’s custom Zen 2 + RDNA 2-based APU.Have a look and share what you think in the comments. Are you about to take exploration on the go with a shiny new Steam Deck? First Video of “No Man’s Sky” on the Steam Deck SurfacesFirst Video of “No Man’s Sky” on the Steam Deck Surfaces 03/01/2022 blakespot Comments 10 comments[ Update – April 11: A longer gameplay video than that shown here has since surfaced and is featured in a more recent post elsewhere on this blog. ]Last Friday Valve’s Steam Deck embargo ended and those with Steam Deck units in their hands have begun sharing thoughts, experiences, and gameplay videos. One such individual is Italian YouTuber PC-Gaming.it. On Friday, they shared a short video showing a person playing three games on the Steam Deck: Nier Replicant, Persona 4, and No Man’s Sky. Within, about two and a half minutes of No Man’s Sky gameplay is shown towards the end of the video, starting at about the 5 minute, 47 second mark. An on-screen system monitor shows some interesting system performance metrics during gameplay.The video shows the Italian version of the game being played at the Steam Deck‘s native 1280×800 pixel screen resolution. Framerate stays locked at 60fps for nearly the entire video and, while the GPU remains pegged at near 100% utilization, the CPU load rarely rises above 50% and stays at around mid-40% most of the time. Halfway through the NMS demonstration, the player jumps to the in-game graphics options screen and changes the settings from the Standard preset (with no anti-aliasing) to the Enhanced preset (with TAA enabled) — and this has no measurable effect on either CPU or GPU load, interestingly. With the CPU utilization so apparently low, there is likely room to edge up the settings further before seeing a performance hit. And, here we should remember that SteamOS on the Steam Deck is Linux-based, and that the system is running the Windows version through Valve’s Proton compatibility layer / translation software (this has been verified) which necessarily impacts game performance to some degree. The NMS graphics settings as well as the screen overlay also reveal that AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) scaling is not enabled during the demonstration video.Traveller’s out there debating the purchase of a Steam Deck to play No Man’s Sky on the go should have a look at our recent post, “No Man’s Sky” on Nintendo Switch – So, How Will They Do It?, which looks at some likely approaches Hello Games is taking with their recently announced Switch version.[ Proton performance is discussed in the comments ↓ ] “No Man’s Sky” on Nintendo Switch – So, How Will They Do It?“No Man’s Sky” on Nintendo Switch – So, How Will They Do It? 02/18/2022 blakespot Comments 2 commentsMany of us had wondered over the past few years if it would ever happen, and last week Hello Games announced that — yes — No Man’s Sky will be landing on the Nintendo Switch game console sometime this summer. The news comes to the surprise of many who had assumed the Switch wasn’t up to the task of conjuring the limitless, procedurally generated universe of No Man’s Sky. And, indeed, Hello Games is certain to have had to make some compromises to get the game running on the Switch in a manner that maintains a solid framerate while remaining a real looker. But, as the No Man’s Sky Switch announcement trailer demonstrates, they seem to be having success in the effort. (And, yes, based on a number of small details in the trailer video, most notably the discernibly low resolution, I feel confident we have been handed in-game video of the Switch port of the game in that trailer.)No Man’s Sky looks the best and plays the smoothest on high power gaming PCs, the Xbox Series X, and the Playstation 5. As the chart below shows, the older Playstation 4 — the game’s original target platform — is a considerably more powerful system than the Switch for playing a game like No Man’s Sky, which is particularly intensive as far as both GPU and CPU demands. So, how will they do it?Nintendo SwitchPlaystation 4CPUTegra X1 (4x ARM Cortex-A57 cores) @ 1.02GHzJaguar (8x AMD x86-64 cores) @ 1.6GHzGPUNvidia Maxwell w/ 256 stream processorsAMD GCN Radeon w/ 1152 stream processorsGPU Perf393 GigaFLOPs1.84 TeraFLOPsSystem RAM4GB LPDDR4 @ 1.6GHz8GB GDDR5 @ 2.75GHzMemory Bandwidth26GB/s176GB/sMax Display Res1920×1080 docked, 1280×720 mobile1920×1080One approach is the use of adaptive screen resolutions. Many console games vary their screen resolution depending on the complexity of the scene being rendered, even on today’s most powerful consoles. I have analyzed a still shot grabbed from the Switch announcement trailer at different source resolutions with several graphics editors and, counting the individual pixels for a section of the screen and calculating across the full screen width, I have determined that it is being rendered with a horizontal resolution of 640 pixels. It’s hard to estimate what the high and low marks will be for rendering in No Man’s Sky on the Switch, but the indicated scene appears to be rendering at half of the Switch’s mobile resolution of 1280 pixels wide. Such variable rendering would certainly assist in keeping the game’s framerate fluid.Another performance enhancing approach that will certainly be employed on the Switch port is the use of AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution, a set of open source high quality upscaling algorithms that allows a game to be rendered at a lower resolution and scaled up by the GPU to a more desirable target resolution for significantly improved framerates with almost no reduction in image quality. And, the GPU of the Nvidia Tegra X1 in the Switch supports this technology. … Read More Read More My Community Base Tour and a Look at 40 MoreMy Community Base Tour and a Look at 40 More 01/09/2022 blakespot Comments 0 CommentOn New Year’s Eve, as we said “Goodbye” to 2021 and “Hello” to 2022 (this has gotta be a better year, right folks?), another community base-building event was on-deck for the Quicksilver weekend mission (worth 1,200 QS) in No Man’s Sky. I love it when base-building weekends come along, as I indicated in my recent post covering the shenanigans going on during the last such mission back at the beginning of October. They are great opportunities to get creative and build a base on the mission planet, chat with other Travellers that drop in while you’re doing your thing, and visit the huge number of other player bases that inevitably pop up all over the system in question. These are highly social weekends and are, at the moment, my favorite recurring event in the game. On this New Year’s weekend I warped out to the Rulandt V system in the Euclid galaxy and set down on planet Petonia X which, by the time I arrived, was already covered in bases. I flew about, exploring the terrain from the air and found a tiny little rock island floating in a deep canyon and decided to build a cozy stone dwelling with a view and — I hope — a decent splash of character. The video seen here includes bits and pieces I captured of my build process, along with a short tour of the finished base (which unexpectedly included a visitor checking out my handiwork) followed by fly-bys and quick on-foot exploration of 40 other bases made by fellow Travellers as part of the weekend event. There are some impressive constructions, out there, including a sprawling cave construction by u/E-Slick-73 that is extremely impressive (see video).I hope you enjoy the video and please portal in for a visit to my base, as well as the many other great player constructions that await. A Gallery of Anomalous Space Encounters in “No Man’s Sky”A Gallery of Anomalous Space Encounters in “No Man’s Sky” 11/26/2021 blakespot Comments 0 Comment[ NOTE: This post might be considered to be a bit of a spoiler. Be warned! ]In February of 2020, Hello Games released the Living Ship update to No Man’s Sky which brought players the chance to own and pilot a new class of sentient starship, hatched from an egg and featuring unique organic technologies. Along with these procedurally generated ships, the update added the possibility of new, anomalous encounters with mysterious space objects and strange new lifeforms while pulsing through a star system. Some yielding rewards and some bringing danger, quite a variety of strange encounter scenarios were added to the game. (The Desolation update, released a few months later, introduced the Anomaly Detector which allows the summoning of these near-space anomalies.)I made a blog post talking about the update and sharing a video of some of the things I was seeing, just a few weeks after it arrived. I’ve experienced a lot more anomalous encounters since then and do quite enjoy the living ships themselves. They have a smoother sort of feel that’s hard to describe, flying them in the game as compared to the traditional ships, I’ve found.Recently, we were talking about these encounters on the NMS Discord and I posted a couple of in-game photos of some that I’ve had since the Living Ship update. I received a few comments in response, several asking if one of the shots was generated using mods. (It wasn’t.) It has been my experience that, in these encounters, some anomalous items appear more frequently than others. The feedback that I received on the Discord would seem to bear this out. Living MetalloidMessenger of the AtlasEmergency Containment DeviceGaseous SentienceIronbound RelicCondensed Stellar IceJettisoned Storage SiloEmergency Civilisation Shelter PodHazard Containment FieldSecret Listening PostPirate-Controlled Monitoring StationClick thumbnail for full-size imageSeeing this, I thought I would share a few shots of the more interesting such encounters I’ve experienced. These are a few of the things I’ve seen infrequently, or perhaps only just once. (I’ve taken photos of most every unique encounter I’ve had, pulsing around the systems out there). So, what have you seen out there? New Frontiers of Base Building in “No Man’s Sky” Expedition III: CartographersNew Frontiers of Base Building in “No Man’s Sky” Expedition III: Cartographers 11/03/2021 blakespot Comments 0 CommentAt the end of March, Hello Games released the No Man’s Sky Expeditions (v3.3) update which brought a new, periodic, community-focused play mode to the game. I published posts and videos about my experiences with first two community Expeditions, Pioneers and Beachhead, as I completed them, here at NMSspot. A several month hiatus from Hello Games followed but, happily, Expedition Three: Cartographers finally landed — and on the heels of the major Frontiers (v3.6) update that brought the all new Settlements dynamic, allowing players to basically run their own little Mos Eisley, as well as a massive overhaul to the base building system and the base parts to choose from. (And I must, here, mention that in the aforelinked release notes to Cartographers, I was humbled by Hello Games’ kind nod to a piece of my in-game photography, a pursuit I most enjoy while exploring within No Man’s Sky.) Cartographers placed players on a toxic world with extreme geography and a disabled explorer ship. The ship in question was of a highly unusual configuration making the task of repairing it and getting off the planet a rather long and laborious one, far more involved than that of a traditional starship. Once repaired, the player was able to escape the planet and seek out the various rendezvous points in systems across the galaxy and complete the remainder of the Expedition. Given that I would clearly be spending a considerable length of time on that starter planet, I built a base near my downed starship, trying my hand for the first time at construction using the aforementioned new base parts. And that was a learning experience; many of the parts were quite unfamiliar and in the days and weeks after the Frontiers release, a series of patches arrived addressing various kinks in the entirely new building dynamic. (Things have since smoothed out nicely.) Building that initial base was good practice and by the time I was able to make my way to space, I was ready to give it another go on the final rendezvous world, the Expedition’s end planet (or moon, as the case turned out to be). … Read More Read More It’s Bases Galore on Community Planet “Lohampsa Ruto”It’s Bases Galore on Community Planet “Lohampsa Ruto” 10/11/2021 blakespot Comments 2 commentsWhile I particularly appreciate the solitude that No Man’s Sky can afford me, I have also enjoyed taking part in the game’s community missions (see my mission posts for more), as offered in their various forms over the years, which originally appeared following the 2018 release of No Man’s Sky NEXT. And, while the release of the Expeditions update in late March of this year brought the biggest community mission opportunities yet offered in the game (as I write this, there are six days left in Expedition #3), some of the smaller missions still bring all the boys (and girls) to the yard. An example of this is the recent weekend mission (worth 1,200 units of Quicksilver in-game currency) that started on October 1st and in which I took part. In the weekend mission in question, one was tasked with building a small base of specified construction in the chosen mission system. Base building missions like this, when they come along, are easily and quickly completed but offer a particularly nice opportunity to encounter other players and explore the bases they have constructed. Upon embarking on such missions, all players are warped to the same star system with the same mission target planet. As such, a great many bases and / or communication devices can be found throughout the mission weekend and beyond. Over the course of the mission, while I certainly didn’t explore or even do a fly-by of every base on the planet, I probably saw a total of 250 or so base markers displayed on my ship’s HUD. And, that’s not to mention the bases built on other planets in the same system. Of course, most of the bases encountered during such missions are exactly as complex as the mission calls for — base built, mission accomplished. Some, however, go much farther. In exploring this mission’s planet, I saw elaborate farms offering Cadmium, Sodium, and Curious Deposits of Runaway Mould. I encountered grand halls in the spirit of Heorot of olde. I explored great, towering bases of intricate construction — and some incorporating rooms floating high above, when a tower wouldn’t climb quite high enough. Among the simple and small were some very creative bases that were a joy to explore. For my part, after construction of the requisite, prescribed base in order to complete the mission, I razed it and began constructing a fairly ornate, towering wooden base using the new base building components introduced in the recent Frontiers update. While I have been trying my hand at building with the new base parts, playing through the third Expedition (which I completed a few weeks back), I still have a little ways to go before fully getting a handle on the huge number of new resources that Hello Games has brought to basebuilding. My wooden tower constructed during this weekend mission has certainly been good practice, I must say.The accompanying video provides a walk-through of my own wooden tower, as well as walk-throughs of several — and fly-bys of many — of the bases, created by other Travellers, that I encountered on the mission planet Lohampsa Ruto in the Warasu system. Along the way, I ran into a few of said Travellers, themselves, doing their own thing on the planet as well. Come visit this populous world, and I’d love to hear in the comments from anyone whose base I’ve visited or who simply has a story to share about the weekend mission. A Recent Nod from Hello Games Is Much AppreciatedA Recent Nod from Hello Games Is Much Appreciated 09/22/2021 blakespot Comments 2 commentsOn the 2nd of September Hello Games released No Man’s Sky Frontiers, one of the largest updates the game has ever seen. It brought a great many additions, including the Settlements mechanic that allows people to run their own Mos Eisley-style city, a massive overhaul to base building comprised of a staggering number of entirely new and very nicely designed construction parts, and many other optimizations and quality-of-life enhancements. I am not going to try and summarize the update here; Hello Games does a pretty good job of that on their website. Another way that Frontiers enhanced the game is by laying the groundwork for the third community Expedition that many of us had been eagerly awaiting. It’s been a few weeks since it landed and I have finished the mission, which was very enjoyable, as were the previous Expeditions — it’s an expansion to gameplay that I well appreciate.One aspect of the launch of Expedition 3 that I particularly enjoyed was Hello Games’ inclusion of one of my in-game photos of my current Settlement on a violent, torrid world (shown at the top of this post) in the Expedition 3 release notes. Images created by /u/Consistent_Clock_120, u/BreezySaturn97, u/sByybz, /u/SpaghettiboiDudeMan, u/vestele8, u/tyrannosaur85, @Risbeak, and Zaippi, and myself were featured in the Community Spotlight section of the release page. I am thrilled to say this is the second nod that the creators of our glorious Sci-Fi universe have granted me, the Beyond Development Update 10 from April 2020 featuring a work of pixel-art that I created on a 35 year old Commodore Amiga computer. I wanted to make a quick post sharing both my excitement for the recent updates as well as my inclusion in the No Man’s Sky Community Update. Thanks for the update as well as the mention, guys! Related Links:No Man’s Sky as a Commodore Amiga slideshow [BoingBoing] Sean Murray is impressed with No Man’s Sky renders forAmiga [VG247] A Planetary Anachronism: “No Man’s Sky” Beautifully Rendered on the Amiga 1000 [NMSspot]A gift that arrived at my door from Hello Games HQPosts navigation OLDER POSTAboutI am a Traveller whose galactic journey began the day the Atlas flicked into existance back in 2016. I have been called No Man's Sky's biggest fan. (I've been called worse!) Here can be found the notes of my travels.@blakespotNMSspot WandererMy GalleriesMy No Man's Sky JourneyBack To FoundationsNMS SchwagNo Man's Sky: BTF ModdedNMSspot Wanderer InstagramNMSspot KudosNo Man's Sky as a Commodore Amiga slideshow [Boing Boing]Sean Murray impressed by No Man’s Sky on Amiga computer [VG24/7]Meet the guy who spent over $4,000 on No Man’s Sky [Polygon]Beyond Development Update 10 [pixel-art nod from Hello Games]Recent Posts“’No Man’s Sky’ Is a Joy to Play On Steam Deck,” Says TouchArcade05/12/2022“No Man’s Sky Outlaws” and the Wonderful New Solar Ships04/22/2022A Lengthy Session of “No Man’s Sky” Running on the Steam Deck04/11/2022First Video of “No Man’s Sky” on the Steam Deck Surfaces03/01/2022“No Man’s Sky” on Nintendo Switch – So, How Will They Do It?02/18/2022My Community Base Tour and a Look at 40 More01/09/2022A Gallery of Anomalous Space Encounters in “No Man’s Sky”11/26/2021New Frontiers of Base Building in “No Man’s Sky” Expedition III: Cartographers11/03/2021It’s Bases Galore on Community Planet “Lohampsa Ruto”10/11/2021A Recent Nod from Hello Games Is Much Appreciated09/22/2021Five Years in “No Man’s Sky” – 1,000 Photos Are Worth a Million Words08/09/2021A “Photo Mode” Glitch in “No Man’s Sky” on PC and How to Work Around It08/03/2021The Observatory That Stood Up and Walked Away From Me07/06/2021The Best Father’s Day Card in the ‘Verse06/22/2021Festooning the Wall With Vintage Sci-Fi Book Covers06/14/2021Useful LinksFoundation 1.1 Help LinksNMS WanderingsNMS Discord ServerBlack Hole Suns DaRCr/NoMansSky TheGameCoordinate Exchange Web Appr/NMS_FoundationsNo Man's Sky WikiPortal DecoderPilgrim Star Path"Back to Foundations" ModHello Games' Issue Report FormThe Galactic AtlasAtlas CodexNoMansSky.comMy Travel GalleryCategories"Yoda Hut" BaseAtlas Rises 1.3AwardsBasesCommunity EventsCompanions 2.2Crossplay 2.5Desolation 2.6EissentamEuclidExo Mech 2.4ExpeditionsExpeditions 3.3Expeditions 3.4Expeditions 3.64Fan WorkFeatured BaseFlora & FaunaFoundation 1.1Frontiers 3.6GlitchHardwareJust RamblingLiving Ship 2.3MerchMy BaseNewsNEXT 1.5OddOpinionOrigins 3.0Outlaws 3.85Path Finder 1.2PCPets / CompanionsPrisms 3.5Release 1.0RumorsSolar ShipsSpoilerSteam DeckSwitchSynthesis 2.2Time TravelingTiny BaseVideoVRRecent Comments“'No Man’s Sky' Is a Joy to Play On Steam Deck,” Says TouchArcade - NMSspot on First Video of “No Man’s Sky” on the Steam Deck Surfaces“'No Man’s Sky' Is a Joy to Play On Steam Deck,” Says TouchArcade - NMSspot on A Lengthy Session of “No Man’s Sky” Running on the Steam DeckGalaedria on “No Man’s Sky Outlaws” and the Wonderful New Solar Ships"No Man's Sky Outlaws" and the Wonderful New Solar Ships - NMSspot on “No Man’s Sky” on Nintendo Switch – So, How Will They Do It?First Video of "No Man's Sky" on the Steam Deck Surfaces - NMSspot on A Lengthy Session of “No Man’s Sky” Running on the Steam DeckArchivesMay 2022April 2022March 2022February 2022January 2022November 2021October 2021September 2021August 2021July 2021June 2021May 2021March 2021January 2021December 2020November 2020October 2020September 2020August 2020July 2020June 2020May 2020April 2020March 2020February 2020January 2020November 2019March 2019August 2018March 2018August 2017July 2017January 2017November 2016October 2016September 2016MetaLog inEntries feedComments feedWordPress.org© 2022 | Godspeed, Interloper.