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2022-05-14 11:40:37

Today is September, 10483 1993, the september that never endsNo pr0n, no warez, just UsenetSat Sep 10483 17:31:19 +02:00 1993HomePeeringUsenet Abuse FAQStatisticsServer Status LinksContactFeedback TechnicalInformationHierarchiesTerms of useUser registrationFAQForgot your password?User settings Welcome to news.eternal-september.org news.eternal-september.org is a private project providing free access to text-only Usenet News. The server has a 100MBit connection to several Internet backbones and is integrated into the Usenet via more than 60 peers. Free access to the news servernews.eternal-september.org provides free read and write access to all text newsgroups. It requires a registrationthat can be done online.Please read the terms of use before you register.PrivacyOur server does not publish any personal information about the userin posting headers that the user does not publish himself. Inparticular, the user's IP address is not visible to third parties. Hierarchies and Groups news.eternal-september.org carries the Big 8, alt.* (approx. 8000 groups, no binaries) and most regional hierarchies (more than 200). A complete list of available hierarchies can be foundhere. For tests, information and support for users of news.eternal-september.org the local hierarchy eternal-september.* is open to unregistered users, too.Retention is currently 3 years for de.*, 160 days for the Big 8, 130 days for alt.* and 90 days for other hierarchies.UUCP batchesnews.eternal-september.org offers UUCP Batches on demand. Please send email to peering (AT) eternal-september (DOT) orgnews.eternal-september.org submits path information to the TOP1000 project daily