Hire Remote | enlist.io | Remote Work Applicant Tracking System | Recruitment Software
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enlist is an applicant tracking system for remote teams. It helps you collaborate with your teammates, conduct better interviews, get feedback, automate processes, and hire better.
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Hire Remote | enlist.io | Remote Work Applicant Tracking System | Recruitment Software
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2022-05-07 13:39:31

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2022-05-07 13:39:31

Features Pricing Demo Resources Sign In Hire Remote. enlist is an applicant tracking system that brings your hiring back in control. Collaborate with your team, communicate with your candidates, get more out of your interviews, automate what's repetitive, and make better decisions. Start a free trial Bring everything in one place. Simplify your hiring process. Organize everything in one place, know what needs your attention, and move faster. Organize applications Never miss anything in your hiring pipeline. enlist finds what needs your attention so you don't have to. Stay on top of everything Never miss anything in your hiring pipeline. enlist finds what needs your attention so you don't have to. Move faster Setup your jobs the way you want. Specify responsibilities for different team members. Automate what's repetitive. Learn More Work better, together. Hiring is all about teamwork. enlist helps your team work together to make better hiring decisions. Bring everyone on board No matter the size of your team, you can have have everyone contribute with enlist. Collaborate better Share your feedback on candidates with your team, ask for their feedback, and manage it all easily. Notify someone Quickly notify a team member of something important with a simple @mention. Keep everyone in the loop Notify the right people when anything important happens, automatically. Communicate with candidates. Send and receive emails inside enlist. Keep all your candidate communication in one place. Send and receive emails Start a new conversation or respond to a candidate’s email from inside enlist. Use email templates Sending the same email over and over again? Templates help you save yourself some time and work. Multiple candidates Emailing several candidates at once? Easy. Just select them, write your email (or choose a template) and hit send. Learn More Interview better. Interviews make or break your pipeline. With enlist, you can conduct better, more focused interviews, and make better decisions. Check availability Look at others' schedule to avoid back & forth communication and clashes. Prepare interviewers Give your interviewers the information they need to conduct better, more focused interviews. Score candidates Score candidates against well-defined criteria so you can make better decisions, faster. Learn More Deliver a great candidate experience.Welcome your candidates with an experience that’s delightful. enlist helps you create a job board that matches your brand in no time. Accept applications anywhere—even on mobileAsk anything you want on your application formsCustomize your careers site brand and colorsEmbed jobs on your own websiteGet even more control with enlist's API Do a lot more. It doesn't end there. enlist helps you with everything you want in an applicant tracking system. Manage job openings efficiently Publish, pause, and close jobs easily. You have access to all you data even when the job is closed. Bring your own workflows Your company is unique. So are your workflows. You can customize everything in enlist to suit your needs. Automate the repetitive work Set up stage-triggered actions to automate repetitive parts of your job pipeline, like sending emails or questionnaires. Search for anything, quick Need to find a candidate who applied six months ago and had a specific word in their resume? Easy. Work on several applications at once Move candidates to a different stage or email them at once with bulk actions. Get organised with tags Organize applications better by tagging them. Mix and match tags to filter applications. Access Control When you bring your team members on board, you can decide who gets to see exactly what. Export your data Export all your candidate data, including their resumes, anytime you want with a single click. Get more information As candidates move through your pipeline, at times you may want some extra information from them. Questionnaires make that a breeze. Understand your hiring Find which sources are working the best for you, which parts of your job pipeline are slowing you down with actionable hiring reports. It's easy to get started. Try enlist free for the first 14 days. No strings attached. Start a free trial Copyright © Kindly Ops LLC 2021ProductFeaturesPricingRequest a demoMobileSupportMiscDocsResourcesGDPRTermsPrivacySocial media