ICCEC Tanzania - Charismatic Episcopal Church of Tanzania
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ICCEC Tanzania- The Charismatic Episcopal Church of Tanzania, a convergence church, and full member of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church.
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ICCEC Tanzania - Charismatic Episcopal Church of Tanzania
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2022-07-10 00:42:25

Skip to content ICCECICCEC TanzaniaAbout UsAbout UsBishopsNewsPhotosContact Us MenuICCECICCEC TanzaniaAbout UsAbout UsBishopsNewsPhotosContact Us ICCEC Tanzania International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church Welcome A Church fully Sacramental/Liturgical At the center of worship is the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion) which we believe is the real presence of Christ. Church Fully Charismatic We are a church open to the continued working of the Holy Spirit. We believe that through the baptism of the Holy Spirit all believers are empowered to participate in the fullness of ministry A Church fully Evangelical We are a church holding to a high view of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, believing them to contain all things necessary for salvation; nothing can be taught as necessary for salvation that is not contained therein. Consensus Government We are a church governed by bishops in apostolic succession who are humbly submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit and to each other. The Charismatic Episcopal Church of TanzaniaOur worship is biblical, liturgical and Spirit-filled, ancient and contemporary, holy and joyful.We are committed to advancing God’s kingdom by proclaiming the Gospel to the least, the lost, and the lonely. We are Charismatic​ We are a church open to the continued working of the Holy Spirit. We believe that through the baptism of the Holy Spirit all believers are empowered to participate in the fullness of ministry​. We are Evangelical We are a church holding to a high view of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, believing them to contain all things necessary for salvation; nothing can be taught as necessary for salvation that is not contained therein. We are Sacramental Liturgical We celebrate the living historic forms of the liturgies of the Church and the seven Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion), Confession, Healing, Holy Orders and Holy Matrimony. We are Charismatic Bishops We are a church governed by Bishops in apostolic succession who are humbly submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit and to each other. Sanctity of Life We hold that all life is sacred, created in the mind of God. We hold that all life is a gift from God, all life is sacred. We speak for those whose voice was stolen. Hearing From God At all levels of church government, we are a house of prayer, desiring to hear the voice of God. Decisions are made in the council upon coming to a consensus. The church is administered by the orders of Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and Laity. All baptized Christians are ministers of the church. Recent News 01Oct Archbishop Dick Alcaraz The Most Reverend Ricardo M. Alcaraz June 8, 1957 – September 12, 2020 A Biography written by Manna Alcaraz. “I… Read More 17Sep Couple Names community Missionaries John and Kelly Padgett Epps, Newnan, GA, were recognized recently for the preparation of over 100 meals for distribution to… Read More 02Sep Uganda Development Bishop Gogo the General Secretary of Uganda wrote: It was great joy receiving Bishop Francis Gogo and Bishop Eric Kamari… Read More 02Sep DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD Kenya, like much of East Africa has been hit with floods, all the while struggling with the COVID pandemic. Archbishop… Read More CEC TanzaniaICCECICCEC TanzaniaAbout UsAbout UsBishopsNewsPhotosContact UsRecent News Archbishop Dick Alcaraz Couple Names community Missionaries Uganda Development DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD March for Life Estonia Copyright © 2020 ICCEC Tanzania. 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