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EarthBound 2. Chrono Trigger 3. ZZT 4. Galaga 5. Jagged Alliance 2 6. Super Mario Bros. 2 7. Bible Adventures 8. Baldur's Gate II 9. Metal Gear Solid 10. Shadow of the Colossus 11. Spelunky 12. World of Warcraft The Complete Set Books 13-24 13. Super Mario Bros. 3 14. Mega Man 3 15. Soft & Cuddly 16. Kingdom Hearts II 17. Katamari Damacy 18. Final Fantasy V 19. Shovel Knight 20. Star Wars: KotOR 21. NBA Jam 22. Breakout 23. Postal 24. Red Dead Redemption Books 25-28 25. Resident Evil 26. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 27. Silent Hill 2 28. Final Fantasy VI Bundles Merch Boss Fight Logo T-Shirt About About Us Press Pitch Submissions Wall of Fame For Booksellers Home Books 1-12 - 1. EarthBound - 2. Chrono Trigger - 3. ZZT - 4. Galaga - 5. Jagged Alliance 2 - 6. Super Mario Bros. 2 - 7. Bible Adventures - 8. Baldur's Gate II - 9. Metal Gear Solid - 10. Shadow of the Colossus - 11. Spelunky - 12. World of Warcraft - The Complete Set Books 13-24 - 13. Super Mario Bros. 3 - 14. Mega Man 3 - 15. Soft & Cuddly - 16. Kingdom Hearts II - 17. Katamari Damacy - 18. Final Fantasy V - 19. Shovel Knight - 20. Star Wars: KotOR - 21. NBA Jam - 22. Breakout - 23. Postal - 24. Red Dead Redemption Books 25-28 - 25. Resident Evil - 26. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - 27. Silent Hill 2 - 28. Final Fantasy VI Bundles Merch - Boss Fight Logo T-Shirt About - About Us - Press - Pitch Submissions - Wall of Fame - For Booksellers Your cart (0) Final Fantasy VI by Sebastian Deken from $ 4.95 Release Date: July 13, 2021224 pagesISBN: 978-1-940535-28-9Terra the magical half-human. Shadow the mysterious assassin. Celes the tough, tender general. Kefka the fool who would be god. Each of the many unforgettable characters in Final Fantasy VI has made a huge impression on a generation of players, but why do we feel such affection for these 16-bit heroes and villains as so many others fade? The credit goes to the game’s score, composed by the legendary Nobuo Uematsu.Armed with newly translated interviews and an expert ear for sound, writer and musician Sebastian Deken conducts a critical analysis of the musical structures of FF6, the game that pushed the Super Nintendo’s sound capabilities to their absolute limits and launched Uematsu’s reputation as the “Beethoven of video game music.”Deken ventures deep into the game’s lush soundscape—from its expertly crafted leitmotifs to its unforgettable opera sequence—exploring the soundtrack’s lasting influence and how it helped clear space for game music on classical stages around the world.Kindle Store * Google Play * GoodreadsSebastian Deken is a writer and musician born in St. Louis, Missouri. He studied music and French literature at Washington University in St. Louis, then went on to receive his MFA in nonfiction writing from Columbia University School of the Arts. He currently lives in New York City with his husband, Brett White. View product Silent Hill 2 by Mike Drucker from $ 4.95 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask by Gabe Durham from $ 4.95 Resident Evil by Philip J Reed from $ 4.95 Red Dead Redemption by Matt Margini from $ 4.95 Postal by Brock Wilbur & Nathan Rabin from $ 4.95 Breakout: Pilgrim in the Microworld by David Sudnow from $ 4.95 NBA Jam by Reyan Ali from $ 4.95 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by Alex Kane from $ 4.95 Shovel Knight by David L. Craddock $ 4.95 from $ 4.95 Katamari Damacy by L. E. 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