Alto's Adventure - out now for iOS, Android & Kindle Fire
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An endless snowboarding odyssey, out now for iOS, Android & Kindle Fire
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Alto's Adventure - out now for iOS, Android & Kindle Fire
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2022-05-13 22:27:19

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2022-05-13 22:27:19

Alto's AdventureAn endless snowboarding odyssey Out now for iOS, Mac, Android & Kindle FireIntroducingWatch the TrailerGoogle Play Awards 2016NomineeStandout IndieApp StoreBest of 2015IGF: Honorable MentionExcellence in Visual ArtProduct HuntGame of the YearUnity Awards 2015FinalistiMoreiPhone Game of the YearPocket GamerGold AwardApp Store 15 Most Beautiful GamesApp Store Best of February 2015"A piece of interactive art""Already one of my favorite mobile games"“Alto's Adventure demands your attention""Alto’s Adventure for iOS may be the most beautiful endless runner you’ve ever played"“The visuals really are incredible”★★★★★"An engaging, relaxing, and beautiful experience.""I couldn't let Alto's Adventure slide by me" "Pristine and refined""One of the best-looking games on the App Store"Best Looking Video Games of 2015"Satisfies the soul""Alto's Adventure is the endless runner matured""Alto’s Adventure is remarkably soothing""One of my favorite games""Alto is lovely""It’s seriously stunning""A compelling game to play""Alto's Adventure is a brilliant mobile game""A beautiful visual experience"★★★★★"An elegant ride down nature's greatest landmarks""Every inch of this game is visually impressive and delightfully charming"TwitterFacebookInstagramPress Kit - Alto's AdventurePress Kit - The Spirit of the MountainGet in touchFan ArtMerch ShopSupportThe next adventure awaits: Alto's Odyssey