43 Folders | Time, Attention, and Creative Work
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43 Folders HomeSearchAboutHow to Use 43f Back to WorkMerlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.Join us via RSS, iTunes, or at 5by5.tv. ”What’s 43 Folders?” 43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work. Instapaper 4: Deciding to Read Merlin Mann | Oct 17 2011 Introducing Instapaper 4.0 for iPad and iPhoneThe lede here is that my pal, Marco, has just released the stellar new 4.0 version of his Instapaper suite. This is fantastic news, and–as if you needed one more of Marco’s beta testers to say so–I do sincerely hope you’ll mark the occasion (and support his hard work) by purchasing the Instapaper iOS app(s). I promise you’ll be treating yourself to a massive update to an already excellent product.Now, it’s fortunate and appropriate that you’ll be hearing this advice at length from a lot of people this week. Because, if it’s not already obvious, Marco’s little app (and its associated services) enjoys a rabid fanbase of sundry paragraph cultists who are as eager as I am to spread the word; and, yes, we do want you to join the Reading Nerd cult.But, I also want to mark the occasion by adding a few thoughts on exactly what Instapaper has done, and continues to do, for me. (As you may already know, I’m a big Marco fan.)Thing is, I want to tell you how Marco has made a magical machine for people who have decided to read. readmore» POSTED IN: Merlin's blog370511 reads TOPICS: Decision-Making, Instapaper, Marco Arment, reading Cranking Merlin Mann | Apr 22 2011 1.Nothing wrecks your living room decor quite like a giant, rented hospital bed.The one my Dad laid in for a couple months in the fall of 1974 was an alarmingly stiff and sturdy affair, the frame of which was forged of impossibly heavy iron, with half a dozen jaggy coats of putty-flesh latex paint doing a shit job of concealing the dings and dents kissed by dozens of clutches of burly rental guys trying to navigate unaccommodating residential doors.Jammed cattywampus between a teddy-bear brown sectional, an antiqued rococo credenza, and what had until recently been my Father's favorite armchair, the hospital bed left little room for easy socializing, let alone aesthetic speculation. This was a living room where a very ill person would mostly die soon. readmore» POSTED IN: Merlin's blog862851 reads TOPICS: family, Inbox Zero, Personal Scared Shitless Merlin Mann | Mar 28 2011 Merlin Mann - "Scared Shitless: How I (Mostly) Learned to Love Being Afraid of Pretty Much Everything"Download MP4 Video of "Scared Shitless"This is the video of a talk I did last month at Webstock in Wellington, New Zealand.It's pretty different from a lot of stuff I've done. It's about being scared. readmore» POSTED IN: Merlin's blog399585 reads TOPICS: Elsewhere, Fear, Merlin Speaks, Webstock Nerdiest Interview Ever: MPU Workflows Part II Merlin Mann | Mar 27 2011 MPU 046: Workflows with Merlin Mann II « Mac Power UsersDownload MP3Huffduff It readmore» POSTED IN: Merlin's blog357148 reads TOPICS: Elsewhere, Interviews, Productivity Pr0n, Workflows Fear Merlin Mann | Feb 5 2011 So, yeah. I'll be speaking at Webstock pretty soon. Which is insanely intimidating.I think I may have my topic. POSTED IN: Merlin's blog271481 reads TOPICS: Fear, Merlin Speaks Video: John Roderick on String Art Owls, Copper Pipe, and Bono's Boss Merlin Mann | Jan 21 2011 [jump to video]Long story (not very) short? One night in 2003--after killing it in front of audience of about 30 lucky people in Oakland--The Long Winters needed a place to crash, and my wife and I were happy to oblige. So, they drove their Big Stinky Blue Van over the bridge, slept on our floor, and by breakfast the next morning, it'd become clear to me that I'd provided lodging to a man who was not only very likely a member of my karass--he was also one of the smartest bullshit artists I'd ever met. Almost eight years later, although I don't see him nearly as much as I'd like, I still count the guy as one of my best pals ever.That's John Roderick. readmore» POSTED IN: Merlin's blog249316 reads TOPICS: Brady's Bits, John Roderick, The Merlin Show, video 123456789…next ›last » Search 43F Ads via The DeckAdvertise on 43 Folders via The Deck 43f Hosting by A2 A2 hosts 43 Folders with handsome aplomb. Please consider perusing their affordable shared hosting plans. » Merlin Speaks Bring 43 Folders to your company by inviting Merlin to speak at your next event. It's fast and painless to book Merlin -- just contact us with details about what you need. » About 43 Folders About the SiteSitemapSuggest a SiteContact Us Merlin Elsewhere MerlinMann.comBack to WorkKung Fu GrippeYou Look Nice Today5ivesMerlin on Twitter Merlin on Flickr EXPLORE 43Folders THE GOOD STUFF PopularTodayPopularClassicsRecentPostsPopularTodayPopularClassicsOldies but goldiesTitleIntroducing the Hipster PDARecent Hits36193Created2004-09-03 11:06TitleGetting started with "Getting Things Done"Recent Hits7756Created2004-09-08 13:25TitleProcrastination hack: '(10+2)*5'Recent Hits2201Created2005-10-11 06:30TitleWriting sensible email messagesRecent Hits1915Created2005-09-19 02:59TitleKick procrastination's ass: Run a dashRecent Hits1611Created2005-09-08 02:13RecentPostsLatest posts from all 43f bloggersInstapaper 4: Deciding to Read Cranking Back to Work: Evolution, Roulette, and Futureproofing Your Passion Scared Shitless Nerdiest Interview Ever: MPU Workflows Part II An Oblique Strategy:Honor thy error as a hidden intentionSTAY IN THE LOOP: CrankingMerlin used to crank. He’s not cranking any more. This is an essay about family, priorities, and Shakey’s Pizza, and it’s probably the best thing he’s written.»Scared ShitlessMerlin’s scared. You’re scared. Everybody is scared. This is the video of Merlin’s keynote at Webstock 2011. The one where he cried. You should watch it.» ContactSuggest a SiteRSS FeedsWeb Hosting by A2 43 Folders is powered by Drupal, which rules. The site was designed and made wonderful by the astounding Chris Glass. Ben Durbin is the sine qua non and our personal consigliere. 43f’s web hosting is sponsored by A2.43 Folders® is a registered trademark of Merlin Mann. All posts and comments © their original owners. Everything else (including the design) is © Merlin Mann, 2004-2010. Merlin’s posts can be reused or republished solely in accordance with the BY-NC-ND Creative Commons License. Please don’t be a douche with our stuff.