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Magnolia flower boiled eggs: A simple remedy for rhinitis!

**Magnolia Flower Boiled Eggs: An Easy Remedy for Rhinitis!** A kind-hearted netizen (Xiyingmen Celebration, QQ 653189859): Hello, I have a remedy for rhinitis: Take 50 grams of magnolia flowers, add two washed eggs, and boil them together with two bowls of water until the liquid reduces to one bowl. During the boiling process, when the eggs are half-cooked, remove them, crack the shells, and continue boiling for a while. Peel the eggs, eat them, and drink the soup. Take this remedy half an hour before dinner every day for one month to achieve a cure. Eight years ago, I used this remedy to successfully treat my younger cousin and my classmate’s wife. This remedy is only suitable for acute or chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis, sinusitis, and paranasal sinusitis. Its effectiveness for other conditions is unknown. I admire your dedication to healing and serving the community, taking from the people and giving back to the people! I also hope everyone can contribute their knowledge and remedies to benefit patients! Contributor: Teacher Li

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