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Here's a professional and natural English translation of the Chinese text: "Effective Remedy for Gastric Ulcers: Retired Cadre Shares Proven Formula!" This translation maintains the original meaning while using idiomatic and natural English expressions. It follows English grammar conventions and would be easily understood by native English speakers. The exclamation mark is retained to preserve the enthusiastic tone of the original text.

**A Remedy for Gastric Ulcers: Retired Cadre Shares a Proven Formula!** **From a Caring Netizen (Rose Appointment, QQ: 2043632855):** Hello, Teacher Hu, my father suffered from gastric ulcers for many years without finding a cure. Later, a friend recommended a specialized formula for treating duodenal and gastric ulcers. After taking it, from the age of 58 until his passing at 86, he never experienced a recurrence. My father lived in the countryside. After his recovery, I left home to work in Langfang. I later recommended this remedy to others, and they were also cured. At the time, my father only consumed half of the formula, and the other half was given to a neighbor in the same village, who also recovered from gastric ulcers and is still alive today. The total cost was only 1.75 yuan. **The Formula:** - Cuttlebone (乌贼骨): 125 grams - Alum (枯矾): 250 grams - Corydalis Rhizome (元胡): 8 grams Grind the above ingredients into a fine powder. Take 375 grams of honey, heat it until it thickens, and mix it with the three powdered ingredients. Form the mixture into pills, each about the size of a standard Chinese herbal pill (approximately the size of three soybean grains). Take one pill three times daily, either before or after meals. I am a retired section-level cadre from the Langfang Postal Bureau and can vouch for the authenticity of this formula. I hope sharing this remedy will benefit many people. **Contributor:** Teacher Xue Wenzeng

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