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Got a sprain and can't move? I've got a clever trick to help!

Got a Sprain? I Have a Quick Fix! From a Passionate Netizen (Handle: "I Do My Own Thing" QQ: 1932522407): Hello, I’ve been following your platform for home remedies for a while. My family has been treating orthopedic issues for four generations, and today I’d like to share a simple yet effective method for treating sprains. If someone has a painful back sprain, have them lie face down on a firm bed. Use your hands to locate the patient’s spine (commonly referred to as the "abacus beads"), usually in the lower back area, near the so-called "kidney points." Find the protruding vertebra and press firmly with both thumbs. Apply strong pressure—no more than two times. Then, have the patient grab the headboard and pull their heels forcefully. In as little as three days, or up to five days, they’ll be good as new. This method has been used frequently in our family’s clinical practice, and the results are immediate! Shared by: Teacher Zhang

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