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Ganglion Cyst, Eliminated with Saline Solution!

**Ganglion Cyst, Eliminated with Saltwater!** **Enthusiastic Netizen (Mamahuhu, QQ: 535916544):** Hello, Teacher Hu, I’m sharing a remedy I’ve used before, hoping it can benefit more people. **Ganglion Cyst:** Soak a cotton pad in saturated saltwater (add one spoonful of salt to a small amount of boiling water, stir continuously until no more salt dissolves. You’ll notice undissolved salt particles in the water). Then, gently squeeze out some of the water and apply the pad directly to the cyst, securing it with tape. You can apply it both day and night whenever convenient. For practicality, it’s often applied at night and removed during the day. Typically, the cyst will disappear within a week and won’t recur. I once underwent surgery for this, but the cyst returned due to incomplete removal. Sometimes, when the cyst grew large, it would burst on its own, but within about six months, it would grow back. After using this folk remedy, it hasn’t recurred for over a decade. It’s said this method can also treat sebaceous cysts, though I haven’t tried it myself. This method is simple and has no toxic side effects. **Contributor:** Teacher Pan Gaoxiang

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