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Fried Peanuts in Sesame Oil: A Natural Remedy for Gastric Ulcers!

Peanuts Fried in Sesame Oil: A Remedy for Gastric Ulcers! A kind-hearted netizen (Qinglian Bodhi Miaozhi, QQ: 1544774903) shared: My mother's high school classmate, Aunt Lei, visited our home last week and mentioned her long-standing stomach issues. I remember how severe her gastric ulcers used to be, causing her to bend over in pain during flare-ups. The worst episode even required her colleagues to rush her to the hospital, and she had to take time off work. Now, Aunt Lei's gastric ulcers have completely healed, thanks to a simple remedy provided by a friend—no cost, no need to brew medicine—just peanuts fried in sesame oil. Here's how to do it: Heat sesame oil and fry the peanuts until cooked, making sure not to add any seasonings. Aunt Lei said she ate a small amount daily, without a fixed quantity, and within three months, she was cured. She hasn't had a recurrence since. She has since recommended this remedy to three others, all of whom found it effective. We hope this can offer some help to those suffering from similar conditions! Contributor: Chu Dongting.

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