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Elderly Hernia and Pumpkin Stem for Disease Relief!

Elderly Hernia and Pumpkin Stem Remedy! Enthusiastic Netizen (Yuan Lai Shi Ni ~ qq1735469176): Hello, Teacher Hu, I would like to use your platform to share a folk remedy for treating hernia, which has proven to be very effective. Several middle-aged and elderly patients have been cured using this method. The remedy is as follows: Take three pumpkin stems (the part connecting the pumpkin to the vine), boil them in water, and drink the broth. Use one dose per day, and results can be seen within three days. After recovery, continue for two more days to ensure a complete cure. I learned this remedy from an elderly person in the countryside, who claimed to have successfully treated several middle-aged and elderly individuals with it! Contributor: Teacher Zhang Bin. Friendly reminder: This remedy has not been verified for pediatric hernia.

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