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Effective for All Skin Conditions – Guaranteed Results for Everyone!

Cure for Various Skin Diseases – Effective for Everyone! From a Passionate Netizen (Username: Bensou, QQ: 1636858362): Dear Teacher Hu, I’d like to share a highly effective remedy for conditions like athlete’s foot, skin fungus, blisters, oozing, and severe itching. The formula is as follows: - 5 single-clove garlic bulbs - 100 grams of white vinegar - 15 grams of vinegar essence Method: Peel and wash the garlic, then mash it into a fine paste (the finer, the better—a household blender can be used). Place the paste into a gauze bag and soak it in a mixture of white vinegar and vinegar essence. Seal the container and let it steep for 5 to 7 days. Apply the solution to the affected area for quick results. This remedy was a lifesaver for me when I was young. I suffered from severe athlete’s foot, which also spread to my hands, causing unbearable itching and foot ulcers that made walking difficult. A classmate’s father gave me a small bottle of this solution. After applying it just twice to my hands, the condition cleared up, and the skin peeled off. Applying it to my feet was painful, but the healing was rapid—within a week, new skin grew, and the old skin shed. Before I graduated, the elderly man shared the recipe with me. Since then, I’ve prepared it myself and shared it with friends and acquaintances suffering from similar conditions, all with remarkable results. I never intended to promote it widely, nor did I keep formal records, but since you’ve been so helpful to us as a fellow netizen, I thought I’d pass it along to you. Feel free to evaluate its effectiveness—if it works, share it; if not, simply discard it. Thank you! Contributor: Teacher Li

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