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I share helpful health content with people in need worldwide.
I share helpful health content with people in need worldwide.
Universal Remedy for Dysmenorrhea and Menstrual Irregularities! Dear Netizen (Dr. Chen, QQ: 14547484): Hello, today I would like to thank so many friends for sharing their remedies. I am also contributing a formula passed down from my teacher and frequently used in clinical practice to treat menstrual irregularities and dysmenorrhea, for those in need. Let me tell you, I am a traditional herbalist specializing in folk Chinese medicine. The secret formula I am sharing today has been personally tested on many cases and is absolutely free of side effects. I am confident in sharing it and take full responsibility for its efficacy. The prescription is as follows: - Peach kernel (桃仁), Chinese angelica root (归尾), Acorus calamus (石菖蒲), Red peony root (赤芍), Corydalis rhizome (元胡), and Gentian root (龙胆草), 9 grams each. - Safflower (红花), 8 grams. - Saposhnikovia root (防风) and Chuanxiong rhizome (川芎), 10 grams each. - Motherwort (益母草), 15 grams. - Achyranthes root (牛夕), Madder root (茜草), and Rehmannia root (生地黄), 12 grams each. - Licorice root (甘草), 6 grams. This is the dosage for one dose. Boil one dose daily, which can be divided into two servings. Start by taking three doses to observe the effects, beginning when menstruation starts. If the results are positive, you can continue the treatment during the next menstrual cycle to prevent recurrence. Note: Avoid spicy foods and cold water during menstruation. I hope this brings relief to women suffering from these conditions! Contributor: Teacher Chen