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Boost Immunity with Honey All Year Round!

Boost Immunity with Honey All Year Round! Passionate Netizen (Xi Yuan: QQ 2459757930): Hello, Teacher Hu, I have a wonderful remedy that can enhance the body's resistance, prevent frequent illnesses, and reduce susceptibility to colds in both adults and children. I inherited my mother's constitution and have been prone to illnesses and frequent colds since childhood, spending a lot of money on treatments. This year, I received a great remedy from a friend and tried it myself—the results were truly remarkable. Since using this little secret, I haven’t caught a cold for several months. Not only does it prevent colds, but it also boosts intelligence, improves skin health, and moisturizes the skin, with no side effects. It can even help treat all kinds of chronic illnesses and, at the very least, ensure a life free from diseases like cancer. This remedy is simple and cost-effective. The formula is: half a pound of royal jelly, one pound of honey, and one pound of bee pollen. Mix these three bee products together and take one tablespoon each time, dissolved in warm water. Take it twice a day, morning and evening, half an hour before meals on an empty stomach for the best results. Contributed by: Teacher Li Ying

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