Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



Bilateral Treatment for Pediatric Eczema

Two Remedies for Treating Childhood Eczema **Remedy One** Contributor: (Tian Yi Yuan) Hello, I have a folk remedy: boil loquat leaves in water to treat childhood eczema. After boiling, use the water to wash the affected area. My son used…

Prescription for Floaters!

Effective Remedies for Floaters! **Contribution from Netizen 1:** Here’s an effective treatment for floaters. What are floaters? Floaters are a condition where elderly individuals see something like a mosquito flying in front of their eyes. This is caused by optic…

Word-of-mouth remedies!

Word-of-Mouth Remedies! Enthusiastic Netizen: I have a few tried-and-true folk remedies to share, passed down to me by elderly folks. The elders who knew these remedies have since passed away, but these are all proven methods, and I hope they…

Topical and Oral Treatment for Vitiligo!

Internal and External Treatment for Vitiligo! A kind-hearted netizen: (I @❤ Happy qq884597674) Hello, I am a vitiligo patient. I took vitiligo capsules and applied mechlorethamine hydrochloride tincture externally, and now I am cured. For the external medication, some people…